You have to admit you’re racist by your own standards: The one trick pony tactic of calling everyone a racist to shut them up…well, it includes you- especially if your white. Like Yoga? You’re a racist. You love reading and writing– that’s verrrry racist. You or your family have cheese recently? Cheese is very much considered racist. All of the following are considered racist by Cultural Marxists- Rationality and hard work, grammar, logic, math, physics, fossil fuels (that’s the gas you put in your car to cause global warming), not wanting to eat bugs, Thanksgiving, Beethoven and Music Theory, why even not being stupid is racist… ad infinitum. Childishly calling everyone and everything racist is a cognitive bitch slap to “minorities’. When you tell, say, an African American, that things such as logic are racist, it’s not only horribly condescending, you are trying stealing their personal Logos- their God given intellectual connection to God and the world. BTW, your marxist icon, Karl Marx was a horrible racist as well. And yes, there will be attacks on “minorites” and illegal aliens when Trump takes office, but the Democrat voter is too dimwitted to realize that it’s party does false flag attacks as a matter of policy. Let Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz school you. Let us also not forget that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margret Sanger, identified the organization as a eugenics program to cull the African American population.
You have to admit that you’re NOT a bleeding heart liberal. You don’t care- it’s all theater. You don’t care about the 325,000 sex trafficked and often murdered children that Democrat border policies promote. You don’t care about the mutilation of children’s genitals. You don’t care about the 500,000 dead Ukrainians so your party can have it’s 43 bioweapon labs in Ukraine and money laundering Mecca. (The amount we have spent on promoting war in the Ukraine could solve world hunger.)
In fact, Marxists are most the prolific murderers in world history. Meanwhile, the philosophically untutored Democrat calls the political right fascists while both Communists and Fascists are children of Marx and are leftists by definition. In fact, Democrats have their very own modernized Brownshirts in Antifa, the Antifascist Fascists, bankrolled by admitted Nazi sympathizer George Soros. This is stupid beyond our usual understanding of stupid.
You have to admit you don’t care about your children or families: The safety your children & families are far less important to you than the democrat party’s policy of emptying jails of vicious criminals from all over the world and bringing them in the US….not to mention the terrorists and foreign armies.
You have to admit that, in the absence of a transcendent immaterial Good (i.e God), there is no right or wrong. With no objective standards and complete relativism , the typical democrat’s ideas about “rights” have no grounding. The party cannot be anymore correct than Trump in all his glory.